Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Zoning

Please let us know if anyone has any objections to the layout as follows

NE would be forest
NW beach
SW, city
SE village

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Koff, with 2 SIMs available things will be adjusted, here is my rough makeup:

Okay everyone, we will have 2 sims available, so we have to re-shape some plans. Sim 1, Alton Icarus, already is more or less terraformed (necessary work can still be done). We will move the urban area and what is the "Traiders Area" on the map to the 2nd sim that will be urban style, with market and carneval booths, if we can race track and stuff like that.

On Sim 1 we will have forest, beach, village and entertainment area with stage. By moving the other areas to SIM 2 we have more space and prims available. Things for Sim 1 are for example Duncan Rusts Teen Dock Hangout, Gavin Littles Temple, the magical forest with camp, arts and crafts hut by Adz, photo exhibit by Marianne McCann, photobooth at the stage area.

On Sim 2 we will have some water at the SIM connection, then a promenade/boardwalk over the whole length, turning into city/urban area. In the urban area we will can have stuff like Rai Fargis's skate park, the presentation of kids communities, the freebie area, the "The adult-to-kid workshop, By Pais Kidd" and other things that fit better into that style than into the more nature type SIM 1. If we can get a go kart race track, this would fit there greatly, too. Also, if space allows, maybe amusement park style rides.

I will ask Rai Fargis if he can coordinate SIM 2, maybe together with Zak Kowalski and his experience building undercity.

IMPORTANT: PLEASE, don't get upset if during the time of work things you made have to be adjusted a bit, like maybe a road moved or something like that.