Thursday, June 5, 2008

Kids5B logo contest

Hey you!
Yeah, you!

Want to help design our official Kids5B Logo? We're going to have a contest and ANYONE can enter, and maybe even win some L$ along the way!

The rules:
- Logos must include the words "Kids5B" and the phrase "Celebrating 5 Years of Kid Avatars in SL".
- Logos must be original, and cannot include logos of other groups that already exist, inside or outside of SL. If you have any further questions, please IM Bobby Offcourse.
- All logos must be sent as a FULL MODIFIABLE TEXTURE (i.e. copy, mod, transfer enabled) to Bobby Offcourse by THIS SATURDAY, JUNE 7, at 12:00pm (noon) SL time. Logo designs will NOT be accepted after.
- You CAN submit more than 1 logo design if you would like.
- As long as it's not at 11:55am on saturday, I will tell you if there is a problem with your logo, to give you time to fix it. If it's at the last minute, I might not be able to help you. I'll also IM you to tell you I got it. If you send me a logo and do NOT hear back from me, it means someone broke SL and you should let me know because you might need to re-send it. hehe.
- Voting will start shortly after noon. ALL of the logos that meet the eligibity requirements will be displayed at the stage on Alton Icarus (Kids5B Sim 1). I'll send a LM to the group when the voting is open. Details on how voting will happen will be sent out on Saturday around noon, as I havent figured out how we're going to do that yet. ;)
- Voting will END on SUNDAY, JUNE 8th at 8pm SLT. At that time, the logo that recieved the most votes will be announced, and that will be our official logo for this event.

We are offering a CASH PRIZE for the top 3 vote-recieving entrants!
First Place: $2000 L (plus of course, your logo will be used!)
Second Place: $1000 L
Third Place: $500 L

Any more questions, ask Bobby Offcourse.


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