Saturday, June 14, 2008
Exhibition islands
Our two sims are getting filled with prims fast. For their information displays, toys and works of art most kids use the village, the old city, downtown, the forrest and almost all other areas of our sims. That's great. It seems that the area used least so far are the two "exhibition islands" - that's a shame, since they are really cool builds (hooray for Caitlyn ^^) - great places for photography, displays or prim thingies. In my original map of the city sim I called those little islands "exhibition" caus it sounded like a good idea, but also knowing that all of Kids5B would be a huge exhibition anyway - so, we don't HAVE to use the "exhibition islands" for displaying stuff, maybe it sounds too boring to show stuff on islands dedicated to exhibitons? There is plenty of stuff to see in all places, so we could use the two little islands as playgrounds, too. Or for something wikid cool we didn't even think of yet but might come up with in the next few days. Let me know what you think. Oh, and try the fun hang glider on top of the norhtern exhibition island. Fun! ^_^
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Logo contest: The Results
The voting is closed, and 98 members have voted. That's awesome participation, and many thanks to everyone who took the time to vote.
The winning logo is #5 by Bobby Offcourse. Myrtil's design, the rainbows (#3) came in second, while Draco's building blocks (#2) took third. All of the contributors did a fantastic job, and I'm sure I speak for everyone by expressing our gratitude for the time and effort they put in. Congrats to all.
Now let's keep rolling to an amazing build and event.
The winning logo is #5 by Bobby Offcourse. Myrtil's design, the rainbows (#3) came in second, while Draco's building blocks (#2) took third. All of the contributors did a fantastic job, and I'm sure I speak for everyone by expressing our gratitude for the time and effort they put in. Congrats to all.
Now let's keep rolling to an amazing build and event.
Don't forget to vote for the logo you like best! All the logos are displayed at the Kids5B Mainstage area. Voting will be open until 8pm SLT tonight!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
in the news!
Lots of KidsSL5B news in the Milk 'n Cookies show. Lissen to it here:
And a frontpage article in the Metaverse Messenger on the original Linden ban:
And a frontpage article in the Metaverse Messenger on the original Linden ban:
Adult2Kid Workshop
The adult-to-kid workshop.
Idea for Kids5B
(for more info/description, contact Pais Kidd)
We're going to have a lot of adult/non-kid avatars visiting. One reation I often get when someone sees my avatar is, "oh cool, a kid - can I be one?"
If you have ever helped a new avatar become a kid by taking him all around to various stores to get all the stuff they need, you know it can take a lot of time and TPing.
so, for our Kids5B, why not make it easy?
1. A one stop place for freebies so that in a few minutes, some one can choose some basic parameters of shape, skin, gender, hair, shoes, clothes and accessories and transform into a kid.
this is a building/shop where people can enter and select kid's shapes, skins, clothes, and accessorites that are offered from our communities vendors (with enough freebies so that someone can transition easily with no or little expense to a kid).
This idea depends on vendors of the various things to offer a freebie/demo version of their stuff to be included. The kits/freebies would include LMs to their stores/malls.
2. Yellow pages directory for Kids stuff
We can also have notecard for kids stores and malls and other places where we get our cool stuff to wear... not even all kids necessarily, since some things like shoes or hair are hard to find... the notecard woudl have categories, descriptions, and LMs, for things like,
Boys/Girls, Age ranges, Toys, Furniture, Structures, Shopping, Shoes, Hair, Clothes, etc
Thus, it would not only be a nice reference for all of us, but it will expose vendors and malls to help reinforce our community
3. Appearance and location ideas
my first thought is it would look like a huge calvin and hobbes "transmorgiifier" box. perhaps lots of people won't know this reference, but this was a cardboard box that calvin used to change shape.
The place could also have a cool graphic showing a kid burting out of a stupid looking adult shape, saying "release your inner child", "be a kid again", etc etc.
We have a location selected for this
Currently there is a very crude sketch there and a beginning structure (that looks like a cardboard box)
4. I need help!!!!
OK, I came up with the idea (several others also had similar ideas) but I don't have a lot of time, skills, or much else. However, I will try to help organize things. I need volunteers that are willing to help make this happen:
a) Build/modifiy the structure. this should be relatively simple ). the idea is for it to look like a cardboard box (like calvin's transmorgifier) that is laying on its side with the flaps open.. myrtil has created one that looks great... we may need to modify it depending on what we come up with to give out the stuff.
b) solicit, collect donations - we need shapes, skins, clothes, hair, and other kid gear. It would be nice that we had a notecard with listings of malls and stores for things with landmarks. This would not only be a nice resource for people wanting kid stuff, but a good way to support and thank people who donate freebies
c) create displays/vending - this is the biggest thing we need - once we have stuff, we need a nice way for people to select it.
- the simplest way is just to have vendor tools for selecting, but we have gotten other ideas
- a menu of selections, size, shape, etc, that the user makes, then they some how get transformed. I have no idea if this is really possible.
- a suggestion was that once a person selected what they wanted, they are teleported to a changing room, then they teleport back when done.
- another idea i have gotten is that people walk in one end of the box and walk out the other chanced.
In the end, since I don't have any of the skills needed, I need someone with the skills to put something together. For this, so please anyone volunteer.
Idea for Kids5B
(for more info/description, contact Pais Kidd)
We're going to have a lot of adult/non-kid avatars visiting. One reation I often get when someone sees my avatar is, "oh cool, a kid - can I be one?"
If you have ever helped a new avatar become a kid by taking him all around to various stores to get all the stuff they need, you know it can take a lot of time and TPing.
so, for our Kids5B, why not make it easy?
1. A one stop place for freebies so that in a few minutes, some one can choose some basic parameters of shape, skin, gender, hair, shoes, clothes and accessories and transform into a kid.
this is a building/shop where people can enter and select kid's shapes, skins, clothes, and accessorites that are offered from our communities vendors (with enough freebies so that someone can transition easily with no or little expense to a kid).
This idea depends on vendors of the various things to offer a freebie/demo version of their stuff to be included. The kits/freebies would include LMs to their stores/malls.
2. Yellow pages directory for Kids stuff
We can also have notecard for kids stores and malls and other places where we get our cool stuff to wear... not even all kids necessarily, since some things like shoes or hair are hard to find... the notecard woudl have categories, descriptions, and LMs, for things like,
Boys/Girls, Age ranges, Toys, Furniture, Structures, Shopping, Shoes, Hair, Clothes, etc
Thus, it would not only be a nice reference for all of us, but it will expose vendors and malls to help reinforce our community
3. Appearance and location ideas
my first thought is it would look like a huge calvin and hobbes "transmorgiifier" box. perhaps lots of people won't know this reference, but this was a cardboard box that calvin used to change shape.
The place could also have a cool graphic showing a kid burting out of a stupid looking adult shape, saying "release your inner child", "be a kid again", etc etc.
We have a location selected for this
Currently there is a very crude sketch there and a beginning structure (that looks like a cardboard box)
4. I need help!!!!
OK, I came up with the idea (several others also had similar ideas) but I don't have a lot of time, skills, or much else. However, I will try to help organize things. I need volunteers that are willing to help make this happen:
a) Build/modifiy the structure. this should be relatively simple ). the idea is for it to look like a cardboard box (like calvin's transmorgifier) that is laying on its side with the flaps open.. myrtil has created one that looks great... we may need to modify it depending on what we come up with to give out the stuff.
b) solicit, collect donations - we need shapes, skins, clothes, hair, and other kid gear. It would be nice that we had a notecard with listings of malls and stores for things with landmarks. This would not only be a nice resource for people wanting kid stuff, but a good way to support and thank people who donate freebies
c) create displays/vending - this is the biggest thing we need - once we have stuff, we need a nice way for people to select it.
- the simplest way is just to have vendor tools for selecting, but we have gotten other ideas
- a menu of selections, size, shape, etc, that the user makes, then they some how get transformed. I have no idea if this is really possible.
- a suggestion was that once a person selected what they wanted, they are teleported to a changing room, then they teleport back when done.
- another idea i have gotten is that people walk in one end of the box and walk out the other chanced.
In the end, since I don't have any of the skills needed, I need someone with the skills to put something together. For this, so please anyone volunteer.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Kids5B logo contest
Hey you!
Yeah, you!
Want to help design our official Kids5B Logo? We're going to have a contest and ANYONE can enter, and maybe even win some L$ along the way!
The rules:
- Logos must include the words "Kids5B" and the phrase "Celebrating 5 Years of Kid Avatars in SL".
- Logos must be original, and cannot include logos of other groups that already exist, inside or outside of SL. If you have any further questions, please IM Bobby Offcourse.
- All logos must be sent as a FULL MODIFIABLE TEXTURE (i.e. copy, mod, transfer enabled) to Bobby Offcourse by THIS SATURDAY, JUNE 7, at 12:00pm (noon) SL time. Logo designs will NOT be accepted after.
- You CAN submit more than 1 logo design if you would like.
- As long as it's not at 11:55am on saturday, I will tell you if there is a problem with your logo, to give you time to fix it. If it's at the last minute, I might not be able to help you. I'll also IM you to tell you I got it. If you send me a logo and do NOT hear back from me, it means someone broke SL and you should let me know because you might need to re-send it. hehe.
- Voting will start shortly after noon. ALL of the logos that meet the eligibity requirements will be displayed at the stage on Alton Icarus (Kids5B Sim 1). I'll send a LM to the group when the voting is open. Details on how voting will happen will be sent out on Saturday around noon, as I havent figured out how we're going to do that yet. ;)
- Voting will END on SUNDAY, JUNE 8th at 8pm SLT. At that time, the logo that recieved the most votes will be announced, and that will be our official logo for this event.
We are offering a CASH PRIZE for the top 3 vote-recieving entrants!
First Place: $2000 L (plus of course, your logo will be used!)
Second Place: $1000 L
Third Place: $500 L
Any more questions, ask Bobby Offcourse.
Yeah, you!
Want to help design our official Kids5B Logo? We're going to have a contest and ANYONE can enter, and maybe even win some L$ along the way!
The rules:
- Logos must include the words "Kids5B" and the phrase "Celebrating 5 Years of Kid Avatars in SL".
- Logos must be original, and cannot include logos of other groups that already exist, inside or outside of SL. If you have any further questions, please IM Bobby Offcourse.
- All logos must be sent as a FULL MODIFIABLE TEXTURE (i.e. copy, mod, transfer enabled) to Bobby Offcourse by THIS SATURDAY, JUNE 7, at 12:00pm (noon) SL time. Logo designs will NOT be accepted after.
- You CAN submit more than 1 logo design if you would like.
- As long as it's not at 11:55am on saturday, I will tell you if there is a problem with your logo, to give you time to fix it. If it's at the last minute, I might not be able to help you. I'll also IM you to tell you I got it. If you send me a logo and do NOT hear back from me, it means someone broke SL and you should let me know because you might need to re-send it. hehe.
- Voting will start shortly after noon. ALL of the logos that meet the eligibity requirements will be displayed at the stage on Alton Icarus (Kids5B Sim 1). I'll send a LM to the group when the voting is open. Details on how voting will happen will be sent out on Saturday around noon, as I havent figured out how we're going to do that yet. ;)
- Voting will END on SUNDAY, JUNE 8th at 8pm SLT. At that time, the logo that recieved the most votes will be announced, and that will be our official logo for this event.
We are offering a CASH PRIZE for the top 3 vote-recieving entrants!
First Place: $2000 L (plus of course, your logo will be used!)
Second Place: $1000 L
Third Place: $500 L
Any more questions, ask Bobby Offcourse.
Today at Kids5B
so, whats new today?
The scouts have set up camp. We got a pack of bunnies to pet. We had the person in charge of HardKnock Elementary School coming over to visit. We are gonna have a contest to get a logo selected. We are considering adding a third sim to the celebration. we have a sim content manager. I wet my pants in class. The city sim is coming along nice n speedy. The Second Life Children will have a presence. The Goonies are gonna show up in a build too. We are submitting our own application to have a gateway presence at the big peoples SL5B.
And what did you do today? drop us a comment!
The scouts have set up camp. We got a pack of bunnies to pet. We had the person in charge of HardKnock Elementary School coming over to visit. We are gonna have a contest to get a logo selected. We are considering adding a third sim to the celebration. we have a sim content manager. I wet my pants in class. The city sim is coming along nice n speedy. The Second Life Children will have a presence. The Goonies are gonna show up in a build too. We are submitting our own application to have a gateway presence at the big peoples SL5B.
And what did you do today? drop us a comment!
PR Team under way!
Heyas All!
Currently we are building up a PR team to make sure our great sims will get all the attention they deserve. Anyone wishing to join in, please speak up! We need people to write articles for websites, reporters to make daily progres pictures of the builds, inworlds promotion team members and people with great ideas to further our course.
I would be very happy to see a mix of boys and girls from various countries, so we can also promote on non-english speaking webistes and blogs.
Let me, Johnathan Raymaker, or my lovely assistent Sage Kostenbaum know, and we will get you into our high powered PR group!
Yours trulely, Johna
Currently we are building up a PR team to make sure our great sims will get all the attention they deserve. Anyone wishing to join in, please speak up! We need people to write articles for websites, reporters to make daily progres pictures of the builds, inworlds promotion team members and people with great ideas to further our course.
I would be very happy to see a mix of boys and girls from various countries, so we can also promote on non-english speaking webistes and blogs.
Let me, Johnathan Raymaker, or my lovely assistent Sage Kostenbaum know, and we will get you into our high powered PR group!
Yours trulely, Johna
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
The City Map
Sunday, June 1, 2008
The Zoning
Please let us know if anyone has any objections to the layout as follows
NE would be forest
NW beach
SW, city
SE village
NE would be forest
NW beach
SW, city
SE village
Kids Are United Raises L$ 31,100
The awesome audience of today's "Kids Are United" Show raised a whopping L$ 37100, thus showing that SL Children truly ARE united. We are going to have an awesome Kids5B celebrating 5 years of kids in Second Life. Love you all! Rai
Grrr, SL ate my first try at this notice. Up to now, we got L$ 62,000 donated - thank you! This is how I think this money can be used (contact me if you have more ideas):
- Builders and landscapers can get money to buy needed things
- right before and during the event we will use payed classifieds
- the SIM sponsor can get some money to help with next months SIM fee.
You all deserve to know what is been done with this money, and I will send out updates about that.
Daniel Regenbogen
- Builders and landscapers can get money to buy needed things
- right before and during the event we will use payed classifieds
- the SIM sponsor can get some money to help with next months SIM fee.
You all deserve to know what is been done with this money, and I will send out updates about that.
Daniel Regenbogen
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